Saturday, October 07, 2006

One of those rarities I have seen only in Russia...

Hi friends!
Finally I am putting those much awaited pictures of the biggest computing machine I have see so far. Yes, once again this is a rarity I have seen in Russia only.
Below, are those snaps I took when I saw that blue giant. Though the pictures are not of high quality they give an idea of the machine's 'size'. I was lucky to be allowed to see, or rather I was helped to 'sneak into' the 'prohibited premises' of the soviet times. Yes, Russia is still under those soviet era effects of keeping things 'hidden'. But I have been able to 'see' many such wonders. Will talk about other wonders later. Right now, enjoy reading and watching this 'super' computer.

Well, I would begin with the heart of a computer - its Processor. Above is the process of the computer, model codenamed EC 1036. Yes, this is that same predecessor of the 1' x 1' CPU chip that we get on our PC's motherboard. The human size high cupboard, which is more than two times broader than me can perform computations far lesser than the modern intel chips. But there's a story behind this wonder in the blue, the story of dirty but interesting politics. Will talk about it sometimes later. Keep checking this blog. Right now, quickly publishing some images.

Well, here comes another important part, the Random Access Memory, 'standing' besides or rather behind the processor unit. The half-opened cupboard, next to me, has all the RAM that this computer needs. Guess how much was that! Put your comments with your guessings. It would be fun. I could not keep the cupboard fully open because that's the way it was designed and 'we' did not want to shake it at all. After all, it was functioning at that time! Another surprise. Yes, the computer was working when this picture was taken. Infact, it was serving its daily services. it was supposed to be retired, soon after my visit.

There are many other interesting parts, like the Input/Output and storage devices. Guess how they may look like! So keep watching this space. It's real fun watching this monstrous computer.